日期:2018-12-29 来源: 阅读:

性别:男 2661E








E-Mail: huxinsea@163.com

通讯地址:山东省烟台市芝罘区红旗中路186号 邮编264025


1. 全国智能交通领域优秀博士学位论文, 2018年

2. 辽宁省普通高等学校优秀毕业生, 2018年

3. 山东省高等学校优秀青年创新团队带头人, 2021年

4. 大连海事大学优秀博士学位论文, 2018年

5. 大连海事大学博士研究生学术创新奖, 2018年

6. 教育部博士研究生国家奖学金, 2015年

7. 山东省省级优秀学士学位论文, 2013年

8. 国际SCI期刊Ocean Engineering杰出审稿人, 2018年

9. 国际SCI期刊ISA Transactions杰出审稿人, 2017年

10. 国际SCI期刊Control Engineering Practice认证审稿人, 2018年

11. 国际SCI期刊Asian Journal of Control认证审稿人, 2020年

12. 国际SCI期刊Int. J. Robust Nonlinear Control认证审稿人, 2020和2021年



博士后研究2021.3-至今 电子科技大学 博士后 海洋航行器自主控制

博士研究生2012.9-2018.4 大连海事大学 工学博士 控制理论与控制工程 硕博连读

大学本科 2008.9-2012.7 澳门太阳集团城9728 理学学士 信息与计算科学 全日制


2020.01-至今 澳门太阳集团城9728 副教授 澳门太阳集团城9728

2018.10-2019.12 澳门太阳集团城9728 讲师 澳门太阳集团城9728


1.国家自然科学基金面上项目:多源干扰和不确定性环境下船舶精细抗干扰控制研究, 项目编号:62273172,2023年01月01日至2026年12月31日,主持

2.国家自然科学基金青年项目:多源干扰下船舶动力定位系统的复合分层控制研究, 项目编号:61903174,2020年01月01日至2022年12月31日,主持



5.山东省海上航天装备技术创新中心开放课题:海上航天发射与回收平台升沉补偿与动力定位控制研究, A类资助, 项目编号:MAETIC2021-01,2021年06月01日至2023年06月31日,主持

6.内河航运技术湖北省重点实验室开放研究基金项目:水面无人船艇智能自适应抗干扰控制研究, 项目编号:NHHY2021003,2022年01月01日至2023年12月31日,主持










1.Xin Hu, Xinjiang Wei, Yonggui Kao, Jian Han, “Robust synchronization for under-actuated vessels based on disturbance observer,”IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022, vol. 23, no. 6, pp: 5470-5479. IF: 6.185.中科院TOP期刊

2. Xin Hu, Guibing Zhu, Yong Ma, Zhixiong Li, Reza Malekian, Miguel Angel Sotelo, “Event-triggered adaptive fuzzy setpoint regulation of surface vessels with unmeasured velocities under thruster saturation constraints,”IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2022, vol. 23, no. 8, pp: 13463-13472. IF: 6.185.中科院TOP期刊

3. Xin Hu, Yue Long, Tieshan Li, C. L. Philip Chen, “Adaptive fuzzy backstepping asymptotic disturbance rejection of multiagent systems with unknown model dynamics,”IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2022, vol. 30, no. 11, pp: 4775-4787. IF: 12.029.中科院TOP期刊

4.Xin Hu, Guibing Zhu, Yong Ma, Zhixiong Li, Reza Malekian, Miguel Angel Sotelo, “Dynamic event-triggered adaptive formation with disturbance rejection for marine vehicles under unknown model dynamics,”IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023, vol. 72, no. 5, pp: 5667-5676. IF: 5.978.中科院TOP期刊

5. Xin Hu, Jialu Du, Yuqing Sun, “Robust adaptive control for dynamic positioning of ships,”IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2017, vol. 42, no. (4), pp: 826-835. IF: 3.042.中科院TOP期刊

6.Jialu Du,Xin Hu, Hongbo Liu, C. L. Philip Chen, “Adaptive robust output feedback control for a marine dynamic positioning system based on a high-gain observer,”IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2015, vol. 26, no. (11), pp: 2775-2786. IF: 10.309.中科院TOP期刊

7.Jialu Du,Xin Hu, Yuqing Sun, “Adaptive robust nonlinear control design for course tracking of ships subject to external disturbances and input saturation,”IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2020, vol. 50, no. (1), pp: 193-202. IF: 10.037. (ESI 1%高被引论文)中科院TOP期刊

8.Jialu Du,Xin Hu, Miroslav Krstić, Yuqing Sun, “Robust dynamic positioning of ships with disturbances under input saturation,”Automatica, 2016, vol. 73, pp: 207-214. IF: 5.945. (ESI 1%高被引论文)中科院TOP期刊

9.Jialu Du,Xin Hu, Miroslav Krstić, Yuqing Sun, “Dynamic positioning of ships with unknown parameters and disturbances,”Control Engineering Practice, 2018, vol. 76, pp: 22-30.

10.Xin Hu, Xinjiang Wei, Jian Han, Xiaodan Zhu, “Adaptive disturbance estimation and cancellation for ships under thruster saturation,”International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2020, vol. 30, no. (13), pp: 5004-5020.IF: 3.954.中科院TOP期刊

11.Xin Hu, Xinjiang Wei, Huifeng Zhang, Jian Han, Xiuhua Liu, “Robust adaptive tracking control for a class of mechanical systems with unknown disturbances under actuator saturation,”International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2019, vol. 29, no. (6), pp: 1893-1908. IF: 3.954.中科院TOP期刊

12.Xin Hu, Xinjiang Wei, Guibing Zhu, Defeng Wu, “Adaptive synchronization for surface vessels with disturbances and saturated thruster dynamics,”Ocean Engineering, 2020, vol. 216, 107920. IF: 3.795中科院TOP期刊

13.Xin Hu, Qingtao Gong, Jian Han, Xiaodan Zhu, Huizi Yang, Meiqiao Wang,“Dynamic event-triggered composite anti-disturbance fault-tolerant tracking control for ships with disturbances and actuator faults,”Ocean Engineering, 2023, vol. 245, 110355.中科院TOP期刊

14.Xin Hu, Qingtao Gong, Yao Teng, “Adaptive synchronization with disturbance rejection for under-actuated ships with disturbances under thruster saturation,”Ocean Engineering, 2021, vol. 245, 110355.中科院TOP期刊

15.Xin Hu, Qingtao Gong, Kangqiang Li, “Event-triggered adaptive disturbance rejection for marine surface vehicles with unknown dynamics and disturbances,”Ocean Engineering, 2023, vol. 268, 113379.中科院TOP期刊

16.Xin Hu, Xinjiang Wei, Huifeng Zhang, Jian Han, Xiuhua Liu, “Global asymptotic regulation control for MIMO mechanical systems with unknown model parameters and disturbances,”Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, vol. 95, no. (3), pp: 2293-2305.中科院TOP期刊

17.Xin Hu, Jialu Du, “Robust nonlinear control design for dynamic positioning of marine vessels with thruster system dynamics,”Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, vol. 94, no. (1), pp: 365-376.中科院TOP期刊

18.Xin Hu, Xinjiang Wei, Qingtao Gong, Jianzhong Gu, “Adaptive synchronization of marine surface ships using disturbance rejection without leader velocity,”ISA Transactions, 2021, vol. 114, pp: 72-81.中科院TOP期刊

19.Xin Hu, Xinjiang Wei, Jian Han, Qiang Zhang, “Adaptive disturbance rejection for course tracking of marine vessels under actuator constraint,”ISA Transactions, 2020, vol. 100, pp: 82-91.中科院TOP期刊

20.Xin Hu, Xinjiang Wei, Huifeng Zhang, Jian Han, “Adaptive saturation compensation for strict-feedback systems with unknown control coefficient and input saturation,”International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2021, vol. 35, no. 6, pp: 1083-1098.

21.Xin Hu, Jialu Du, Miroslav Krstić, “Robust adaptive regulation of dynamically positioned ships with unknown dynamics and unknown time-varying disturbances,”International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2019, vol. 33, no. (3), pp: 545-556.

22.Xin Hu, Xinjiang Wei, Huifeng Zhang, Wenbo Xie, Qiang Zhang, “Composite anti- disturbance dynamic positioning of vessels with modelling uncertainties and disturbances,”Applied Ocean Research, 2020, vol. 105, 102404.

23.Xin Hu, Jialu Du, Jiwei Shi, “Adaptive fuzzy controller design for dynamic positioning system of vessels,”Applied Ocean Research, 2015, vol. 53, pp: 46-53.

24.Xin Hu, Jialu Du, Guibing Zhu, Yuqing Sun, “Robust adaptive NN control of dynamically positioned vessels under input constraints,”Neurocomputing, 2018, vol. 318, pp: 201-212.

25.Xin Hu, Qingtao Gong, “Composite disturbance observer-based backstepping stabilization for 3-DOF ship-borne platform with unknown disturbances,”Ships and Offshore Structures, 2022, published online, pp: 1-17.

26.Xin Hu, Zhongyu Sun, Rui Wang, Shuwen Feng, “Adaptive generalized predictive control for dynamic positioning system of ships with model unknown parameters,”Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2022, published online, pp: 1-7.

27.Xin Hu, Jialu Du, Jian Li, Yuqing Sun, “Asymptotic regulation of dynamically positioned vessels with unknown dynamics and external disturbances,”Journal of Navigation, 2019, vol. 73, no. 2, pp: 253-266.


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